Okay. I can favourite and repost stuff. Why the hell can’t I send replies or make new posts? I also can’t add channels or other feeds from other places. Does @cleverdevil have any ad\vice? i’d appreciate anything you’ve got, and thanks!
I don't recommend alltogetherjow.io for posting. You might check out qvill.p3k.io for that.
@ChangelingMx It wasn't so much posting I was having issues with. was more having issues adding subscriptions and replying to people. I couldn't even add a couple of extra RSS feeds for some odd reason.
Yeah. I had trouble with micro.blog when I tried it that way. By that point, I was on my way to fixing the website, so I didn't worry to much about it.
Yeah. Micro.blog is nice in lots of ways, but it needs work in some areas. As long as you stay in the ecosystem, you're fine. For me and sites like mine, I recommend following my site's feed through your microsub endpoint. I'm not paying to have a hosted micro blog through here, so that's probably causing you some problems.